FAQ (Frequently asked questions)

  •  What Payment Types do you accept?

Visa, Mastercard, American Express, JCB, Discover, and Diners Club debit and credit cards.

  • Will you be restocking this item?

If the item you want is out of stock, please, send us an email to info@thelaserbats.com telling what product you want to purchase and we'll let you know as soon as it gets restocked.

  • Can I get a Laserbtas gift card?

We don't offer gift cards at this moment. But we are working on it!

  • How to track my order?

To access more detailed order information: in the “Orders” tab, click on the order you're interested in. Then click on the Details button below each individual product. The tracking number will become available once the order has been shipped. Click on the tracking number to track the order.

  • Can I cancel my order or change the shipping address?

If the order has been already sent to production it may not be possible to cancel the order free of charge at this point. If you want to change your shipping address please contact us as soon as possible on info@thelaserbats.com.

  • Want to sell LaserBats in your Store?

Contact us at info@thelaserbats.com and let's talk about it.